Report #2
How do you keep cool with the Oklahoma City heat at the AQHYA World Show? Being a Minnesota girl, the transition to southern, summer weather is hard for both my horses and me. But we have found ways to keep ourselves as cool as possible so the heat doesn’t negatively affect us.
1. Porta-Cools:
Sitting in chairs with your friends is always nice, especially when cold air is blowing on you in 100 degree weather.
2. Ice Cream:
Nothing is better than an ice cream treat from the sweet shop! It has many obvious benefits, not to mention it is refreshing and delicious.
3. Taking a break in the Jim Norick Arena:
Sometimes we all need to cool off, so sitting in the air conditioned arena is a great way to recharge! Whether it’s doing your nails or sitting watching classes and cheering for your friends, it really does help
4. Drinking LOTS of water:
I can not stress how important this is for both us and our horses. If you’re not feeling your best, how can you perform your best?