Steve Meadows and Hylton Quarter Horses
Steve Meadows is the first to admit that it doesn’t get much better than working for Cecilia Hylton. It is not very often that an employee publically tells his boss that he loves her, and that’s exactly what Steve did on the microphone in the middle of the arena at the World Show this year after he won a World Championship in the Performance Halter Stallions. Why shouldn’t Steve love Mrs. Hylton? Hylton Quarter Horses provides him with wonderful horses, a gorgeous facility, luxurious accommodations, fantastic vacations, a pay check that would make most trainers drool, and the trust to let him do his job. In return, Steve takes care of Mrs. Hylton and her beloved horses, with the utmost of care and highest level of integrity. In our opinion, she could not have hired a better man for the job.