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A Young Boy’s Remarkable Transformation Through Showing Horses

Thirteen year-old Trent Mathews of Jefferson, Ohio can’t wait to show
off his halter gelding, A Tuscan Image, at the East Coast Novice
Championship Show. The eighth grader from Jefferson Junior High School
was the 2011 AQHA Reserve Rookie of the Year 11&U, Ohio Rookie of
the Year, and was Reserve in the nation in Youth Geldings with his
partner better known as, Buddy. The duo also accumulated over 100 points in the halter classes last year!

While these accomplishments are impressive, it is not as remarkable as the transformation that has happened in the daily life of this Ohio youth. According to AQHA judge and friend, Daren Wright, Trent is a completely different person–all because of a horse.

About a year and a half ago, Wright found a young halter horse (Buddy) that he thought Trent may be interested in showing. When Buddy arrived, Trent was only moderately interested and only if it didn’t interfere with his television shows and video games. Despite this lack of enthusiasm, the Mathews started getting the halter gelding in shape and Trent helped out a little and finally confessed that his goal was to earn one point. According to Wright, he wasn’t sure if Trent really knew what points were, but the middle schooler knew they must be good because everyone wanted to earn them.


Early last March, Trent and Buddy went to their first show and the new duo placed first out of three on both judges’ cards and that was it – he was hooked!

“All of the sudden he is up before school, working this horse, brushing him at night, and taking a real interest,” say Daren, who is amazed at Trent’s new found work ethic. “His goal of earning a point didn’t come close to what he ended up achieving last year. On top of that, he ended up on the honor roll at school, is on the tennis team and his confidence has gone through the roof. This horse and the responsibilities it has taught him through its care and showing has completely turned this kid’s life around. You wouldn’t even know it’s the same kid.”

Before Mathews started showing horses, his grades were average, but in order to be able to miss school to attend the shows, he had to improve his grades. With this extra motivation, Trent has been on the honor roll ever since he started showing and has raised all his grades to A’s and B’s.

Trent’s mother, Lisa Mathews, a professional horse trainer, is also very proud of her son.


“He would come to the shows with us but all he ever wanted to do was play with his friends. Now that he has started showing, he is more outgoing, confident, and Buddy has taught him a lot about responsibility. He is now the first person out at the barn everyday and he enjoys taking care of his horse.”

The honor roll student says that he used to just play video games all day, but now he says he’d rather help feed and get his six year-old gelding ready to show. Trent also says that he can’t wait to show Buddy in the Novice Youth Geldings at the Novice Championship Show in a few days. “I’m so excited to be showing. I have no idea how I’ll end up, but just being able to compete and see all my friends–it is going to be a blast.”

Mathews says that when he grows up he wants to be a computer engineer and a professional horseman like his mother. Trent would like to thank his mother and father, Ken, as well as his mentors, Jim and Linda Becker and Jesse and Lindsey Jerik for all their help.

GoHorseShow would like to congratulate Trent on his recent success and wishes him good luck at the Novice Championship Show!!

Photos © Holman and Certified Images

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