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We Ask Exhibitors: If You Could Talk to Your Horse for One Day – What Would You Ask Them?

If you had one day to talk to your horse, what would you ask them? We posed this fun question to several competitors. Find out what they had to say.

It’s impossible to know all we want to know about our horses, but it’s still fun to imagine and ask questions. We can turn to old, nostalgic television shows like Mr. Ed or the classic book, Charlotte’s Web, to suspend our beliefs and imagine a time when we can talk to our animals.

We know equestrians would love to have that superpower. They would love to know what their horses are thinking. Do they like showing? Are they hurting anywhere? Who is their favorite person?

GoHorseShow decided to have a little fun and ask some exhibitors this question: If you could talk to your horse for one day, what would you ask them?


Lisa Wilkes – I have always said I wish they could talk to me. I talk to my horses a lot. They are great listeners. Gosh, for one day…I would try to ask as many questions as possible in hopes of getting answers that would help me communicate with them later. First, I would tell my current and retired show horses (VS Code Me Lucky, Bettin The Goods, Up N The Ante, Ladee Luck, VS Bettin On Jacks, and Made Like No Other) how much I love them and appreciate everything they have helped me achieve in the show pen. Also, to my broodmares that have blessed me with nice, talented show horses: thank you. I would ask my show horses if they like their jobs. If there is something they do or don’t like doing and why. If there is a way we could do what they don’t like in a different way to reach the end goal. For the ones that don’t like to be hauled in a trailer, I would ask them why. What makes them so nervous? The noise? Movement? How can I make it more comfortable for them? What are their favorite treats? I would ask them to set up a code system for sickness and lameness. I think this is the hardest thing for me. When they are sore somewhere and we can’t find it and when they are sick. Just tell me what feels bad.

Penni and Gracie Himes – I have several I’d like to ask him, and I did have my daughter, Gracie chime in, too, since I “stole” Rico from her. What does he like most about his job? What is his favorite class to compete in? What made you decide to stop biting me in showmanship? What is your favorite treat? Although I’m pretty sure he’d say peppermints. What brings him the most joy? When he’s home, we put him out in the indoor arena with our little mini pony (his play toy), and it’s the cutest thing ever. I’ve always wondered what he really thinks about her. Does he think she’s cute, annoying, a friend, or a girlfriend? And does he wonder why she’s so small? I think that would all be part of my questions.

Lacey Armstrong – If my horse, Calvin could talk for a day, I’d ask about his experiences, preferences, and how he feels about things like his stall mates, training, and his environment. I’d also want to know if there’s anything he needs or if he has any concerns. What does he love about his daily routine, and if there are any aspects he particularly enjoys or dislikes? I’d inquire about his physical well-being, like if he has any aches or pains, and how he feels about his diet and living conditions. I’d also be curious about his social interactions with other horses and humans, and if there’s anything he wishes he could communicate to me better. Overall, I’d want to deepen my understanding of his perspective, and how I and his trainers can better support him. What’s his favorite class? Treat? Show grounds? And lastly, his favorite memory of us together!

Stacy Chaput – Oh my gosh, this would be the greatest gift of all. I would have so many questions. Are you happy? Does your body hurt anywhere? Who is your best friend? Who is your favorite person? Who is your least favorite person? What is your favorite thing to do? What do you dislike the most? Do you like traveling to different shows? What do you want to do when you retire? What is your favorite class to show? Is there anything that would make your life the best? This would be the best conversation ever!


Kristie Patterson – Glo Inthedark, aka Augusta, has been a part of our family for a year and a half. My daughter showed her in 2023 and then I was fortunate enough to inherit her when Melanie got a new horse at Congress last year. She has such an amazing personality and expression. As soon as you walk in the barn, her ears are up and she is looking for attention, and let’s be honest, TREATS! I’m sure she would talk for hours if given the opportunity. If I could talk to her for a day, the first thing I would ask her is her favorite class to show in. We compete in the Western all-around events. We often tease her when it’s time for the halter class at a show saying, “It’s your favorite class. Time to stand still and look pretty.” Last year, she was the AQHA Open High Point and Youth Reserve High Point Performance Halter Mare. I really enjoy showing and spending time with her. We had a very special bond from the moment I started riding her because I had an entire year to watch and get to know her while my daughter competed with her.

Shelly Boyle – Oh the things I could ask Jack And Koa. I could probably fill a book. Do you absolutely promise to be a good boy at all times when we let your “grandma” Brenda Campbell drive you? What bribery needs to be involved to make that happen? What’s with the tongue? Inquiring minds would love to know why you enjoy flapping it so much while riding. How much better do you really feel after cryotherapy? It seems like it makes such a difference in performance, but I would love to know how it genuinely feels for Jack during treatment and after. Who do you like better – Marion Troyer or me? I feel like Marion is his actual favorite person.

Kelley Mundrick Martin – Ooohhh this is great. I say all the time I wish we could speak to them. For any of my show horses, I would love to ask these three things: 1. Do you hurt anywhere? 2. Do you like your job & what do you enjoy doing the most? 3. What can I help you with or do better for you?


Denise Spinelli White – I have so many questions, let’s get started. Do you love me? Was there ever a time while I was riding you that you were in pain? If so, I’m very sorry. Why do you need to spook at something you’ve seen a million times? What’s your favorite treat? Do you really love showing? What’s your favorite show? What horse gossips the most in the barn? Does the chiropractor, saltwater tank, and chiro make you feel better? Do you ever get nervous that you may be sold? Tell me about the others that owned you. Let’s make a secret signal so I will know if you’re hurting or not feeling well. Most of all, I would tell them how much I love them and thank them for making my dreams come true.


Estelle Atkinson – I would ask Steve: Since you can do everything, what is your favorite class? Besides the saltwater spa, does anything else make you nervous or scared? What people foods have you always wanted to try?



Rhonda & Kendall LaVelle – Are you happy? What do we do that drives you crazy? What’s the deal with your tail – why are you constantly doing everything you can to rub it or pull it out? Why in the world do you have to expose yourself every time we go in halter? Baths…I can’t tell you how many halters he’s broken. Why do you hate the wash rack and water so much? What can we do to help you get over your fear? Jake, is trail really your favorite class? What’s your favorite show? Who’s your best friend in the barn? Last, but not least: Be honest, who do you like better – me or Kendall?


Cale Thompson – One would have to be why are you scared of puddles? He’s a roan and no stranger to baths, which he usually enjoys, or seems to. So, why is he scared of a puddle? Maybe it’s because I’m scared of open water. So maybe I don’t help.



If you had a chance to talk to your horse, what would you ask? What insightful things about them are you dying to know? Let us know in our social media comments.

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