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New Show and Contest Rules Passed by AQHA Executive Committee

In their April meeting, the American Quarter Horse Association Executive Committee (EC) approved and denied many proposed rule changes that were presented at the March AQHA Convention in Houston, Texas. These rules will take effect January 1, 2014, unless stated otherwise. 

Most notable for GoHorseShow.com readers is the novice level issue that was tabled by the Executive Committee and sent back to the Blue Ribbon Task Force for more discussion. The EC requested that rather than the proposed three or five year drop back, that consideration be given to a lifetime exclusion from novice once an exhibitor graduates out. The EC also agreed with the Show and Contest Committee and Show Council and approved to add a hand gallop for finalists in hunter under saddle at the World Shows only. Also, the rule proposal to raise the money earned in all green classes from $1,000 to $5,000 was denied by the EC in order to be consistent with NSBA. Check all the rules that were passed and denied below.


Shows and Professional Horsemen Committee recommendations and the Show Council recommendations with Executive Committee action are shown below:

Show & Professional Horsemen Committee Houston, Texas 2013


1. Submitted Proposal: Modify rule – SHW251.5, SHW251.6– clarify what level a person is actually in.


Committee Recommendation: That the Blue Ribbon task force and staff continue clarifying leveling rules and monitor concerns regarding the drop back to novice. In particular, consider modifying SHW 251.5 and SHW 251.6 from three to five years.

Show Council Recommendation: To modify SHW245.3 as reflected on the Show Council minutes.

Executive Committee Action: Tabled. Refer back to Blue Ribbon Task Force to discuss the drop back to novice and rather than a three or five year drop back, consider a lifetime exclusion from novice once an exhibitor graduates out.

2. Submitted ProposalModify rule regarding green classes – raise the money earned in all green classes from $1,000 to $5,000.

Committee Recommendation: Modify rule regarding green classes – raise the money earned in all green classes from $1,000 to $5,000.


Show Council Recommendation: Deny green to remain at 25 points and $1,000 to be consistent with NSBA.

Executive Committee Action: Deny; remain consistent with NSBA..


1. Submitted Proposal: Review alignment/designation of categories for shows.

Committee Recommendation: Review designation of show categories and move the cutting class to Category II.

Show Council Recommendation: Amend recommendation if programming is allowed, to create a new category comprising Cutting, Working Cow Horse and Boxing. If unable to develop a new category, leave categories as they are.

Executive Committee Action: Approve. Pursue programming and If feasible Reining, Western Riding and Trail (pattern classes) in one category. Cutting, Working Cow Horse and Boxing in another category. Roping is separate category.

2. Submitted Proposal: Modify rule SHW108.10.8 an exhibitor, who has placed in the top 10 in any class at an AQHA World Show, in the past three years is not eligible to compete at an Introductory Show in the class in which they placed in the top 10 in that particular class.

Committee Recommendation: Modify ruleSHW 108.10.8an exhibitor, who has placed in the top 10 in class at an AQHA World Show, in the past five years is not eligible to compete at an Introductory Show in that particular class.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve

3. Submitted Proposal: Change the show calendar to begin January 1stand all shows will keep their same dates, including all holidays and that AQHA staff will work exclusively with all Stock Show and fairs that number the calendar with week one being the first complete week in January.

Committee Recommendation: Form a task force to investigate a change in the show calendar.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve

4. Submitted Proposal: Add rule – that during timed events, the name of the exhibitor and the horse are to be announced.

Committee Recommendation: Add rule – that during timed events, the name of the exhibitor and the horse may be announced.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Amend, delete the word “timed” and add “any” to apply to all classes.

5. Submitted Proposal: Modify rule SHW108.3 – to allow existing special events in good standing, that have been held for three consecutive years (same location and dates) to apply to be double judged.

Committee Recommendation: Modify rule SHW108.3 – to allow two existing special events per year per state in good standing, which have been held for three consecutive years (same location and dates) to apply to be double judged with affiliate approval.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve with further clarification that additional points cannot be added to existing events. Would reduce facility cost to management and be more humane to horses by allowing the same number of points in a shorter period of time.

6. Submitted Proposal: Modify Rule – SHW128.9 – add The Show manager will post in a public area the name and phone number of the AQHA steward and/or other individual who can be contacted at any time day or night during the show.

Committee Recommendation: Modify Rule – SHW128.9 – add the show manager will post in a public area the name and phone number of a responsible individual who can be contacted at any time day or night during the show.

Show Council Recommendation: Amend to post contact information of the show manager or other designated person who can be contacted in case of emergency such as a professional horseman, and if appropriate show steward.

Executive Committee Action: Approve


1. Submitted Proposal: Modify rule SHW416.1 – to include junior and senior to Ranch Horse Pleasure.

Committee Recommendation: Modify rule SHW 416.1 – to include junior and senior to Ranch Horse Pleasure.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve and monitor select and youth for at least one year and determine if it warrants developing 13 & under and 14-18 in youth and separate Select classes in the amateur.

2. Submitted Proposal: Modify existing rule SHW417- In Ranch Pleasure posting at the extended trot is acceptable/desirable.

Committee Recommendation: Modify existing rule SHW 417- In Ranch Pleasure posting at the extended trot is acceptable.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve

3. Submitted Proposal: Add new rule in Ranch Pleasure– touching/grabbing the saddle horn is acceptable in Ranch Horse pleasure.

Committee Recommendation: Add new rule in Ranch Pleasure and Versatility Ranch Horse– touching/grabbing the saddle horn is acceptable in Ranch Horse pleasure.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve

4. Submitted Proposal: Allow Western Riding Pattern V for Green Western Riding.

Committee Recommendation: Allow Western Riding Pattern V for Green Western Riding.

Show Council Recommendation: Deny

Executive Committee Action: Deny

5. Submitted Proposal: Add Ranch Horse Trail – Open/Amateur and Youth to the list of classes offered by AQHA. – Add as an all age class, Amateur and Youth divisions.

Committee Recommendation: Add Ranch Horse Trail – Open (all age), Amateur and Youth to the list of classes offered by AQHA and suggest Versatility Ranch Horse Trail guidelines be used.

Show Council Recommendation: Table

Executive Committee Action: Table. Before approving at all shows, determine if this class should only be held at Ranch Horse shows.

6. Submitted Proposal: In Versatility Ranch – Allow Boxing instead of going down the fence.

Committee Recommendation: In Versatility Ranch –SHW570.3 to read “In all Novice classes each contestant will perform the required reining pattern, then call for the cow to be turned into the arena. Upon receiving the cow, the contestant shall hold the cow on the prescribed end of the arena for 50 seconds to demonstrate the ability of the horse to contain the cow on that end.

Show Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve

7. Submitted Proposal: In Versatility Ranch Horse – cutting – penalize for a hot quit.

Committee Recommendation: In Versatility Ranch Horse – cutting – penalize three points for a hot quit.

Show Council Recommendation: Modify; the hot quit in VRH cutting shall be considered in the run content

Executive Committee Action: Approve

8. Submitted Proposal: Clarify rule in Versatility Ranch Horse – working ranch horse regarding illegal head catch.

Committee Recommendation: In Versatility Ranch Horse – in the working ranch horse class regarding a legal head catch to be both horns on horned cattle or on any cattle to be any loop that goes over the head and holds, except tail only.

Show Council Recommendation: Modify that staff get the input of knowledgeable group of exhibitors to address the illegal head catch in versatility ranch horse and report back to the Council with a formal recommendation.

Executive Committee Action: Approve

9. Submitted Proposal: Add Youth to the Versatility Ranch Horse World Show.

Committee Recommendation: Approve

Show Council Recommendation: Table

Executive Committee Action: Table, pursue Ranch Horse show concept to include youth.

10. Submitted Proposal: Modify rule SHW559.2 – Hobble or ground tie (contestant’s option)- The horse shall remain in place while the rider dismounts and performs a normal ranch task such as moving a rail. moving a bale of hay, etc. When riding with a romal and a get down, romal may be draped/half-hitched over saddle horn and get down will be placed on the ground. If riding with split reins, onlv one rein is required to be placed on the ground. When riding with a mecate (snaffle bit or bosal), only the get down portion (lead) is required to be placed on the ground with the rein loop draped over· the saddle horn.

Committee Recommendation: When riding with a romal and tie rein, romal must be draped/half-hitched over saddle horn and tie rein will be placed on the ground or the horse must be hobbled. If riding with split reins, onlv one rein is required to be placed on the ground. When riding with a mecate (snaffle bit or bosal), only the tie rein (lead) is required to be placed on the ground with the rein loop draped over the saddle horn.

Council Recommendation: Modify that staff get the input of knowledgeable group of exhibitors to address ground tying in versatility ranch horse and report back to the Council with a formal recommendation.

Executive Committee Action: Approve Modification

11. Submitted Proposal: Add new rule in Versatility Ranch Horse – The use of two rein is allowed as recognized by alliance partner (NRCHA) in AQHA working cow horse.

Committee Recommendation: Approve

Council Recommendation: Modify that staff get the input of knowledgeable group of exhibitors to address the use of two rein in versatility ranch horse and report back to the Council with a formal recommendation.

Executive Committee Action: Approve Modification

12. Submitted Proposal: Add new pattern in Versatility Ranch Horse

Committee Recommendation: Add new suggested pattern in Versatility Ranch Horse with the addition to hesitate to show completion of the pattern.

Council Recommendation: Modify that staff get the input of knowledgeable group of exhibitors to address new patterns in versatility ranch horse and report back to the Council with a formal recommendation.

Executive Committee Action: Approve Modification

13. Submitted Proposal: Review rules and make recommendation to develop more uniform rules between RSNC and AQHA.

Committee Recommendation: When Ranch Sorting National Championship classes are dual approved; the RSNC rules may be used governing class rules.

Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve


1. Submitted Proposal: Add a class – Handy hunter in the junior, senior, amateur and youth.

Committee Recommendation: To allow shows the option of offering traditional Working Hunter or Handy Hunter in the Junior, Senior, Amateur, and Youth (Will not be an option for Novice, Progressive or Green). Task force to develop the rules will be Lanie DeBoer, Kim Leiter, David Conners, Jerry Erickson, Kevin Dukes and Lynn Palm.

Council Recommendation: Approve with clarification, Handy Hunter is an optional course not additional class.

Executive Committee Action: Approve

2. Submitted Proposal: Clarify Progressive Working Hunter.

Committee Recommendation: For Progressive Working Hunter the following clarifications become effective immediately.

SHW 635 Progressive Working Hunter. The purpose of the progressive working hunter is the next step in the progression from the green working hunter to the more advanced level of competition with the seasoned horse. The class should be judged according to the purpose of its intent.

SHW 635.1 Eligibility: Horses of all ages that have not earned 10 points in AQHA approved working hunter classes excluding green working hunter points. A horse is eligible to compete only one time in the progressive working hunter class at the AQHA World Show.

SHW 635.2 Fence heights shall be two feet nine inches (85 cm).

Council Recommendation: Approve

Staff Recommendation: Approve

3. Submitted Proposal: Allow Dressage to be offered as a stand-alone AQHA Special Event outside of USDF/USEF.

Committee Recommendation: Add to rule SHW 680.2. Dressage may also be offered at an AQHA approved show/special event and must be judged by a licensed USEF/USDF judge.

Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve, maintain our current levels. Recognize Training Level and above. Keep same point structure.

4. Submitted Proposal: Appoint a task force for the development of a new discipline – Western Dressage.

Committee Recommendation: Appoint a task force to study the viability of forming an alliance with Western Dressage Association with the possibility of being added as an AQHA approved class.

Council Recommendation: Modify to have staff investigate and report back to show council who will determine the need for a task force.

Executive Committee Action: Approve


1. Submitted Proposal: Add Green classes – Hunter Under Saddle, Western Pleasure, Trail and Western Riding to the World Show.

Committee Recommendation: After the leveled classes have been offered at the 2014 World Show, evaluate the viability, and if warranted add Green classes.

Council Recommendation: Evaluate and report back to Show Council.

Executive Committee Action: Approve to evaluate

2. Submitted Proposal: Add a hand gallop in Hunter Under Saddle at the World Show only and be limited with 15 horses or less in the arena.

Committee Recommendation: Add a hand gallop for finalists in Hunter Under Saddle at the World Shows only.

Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve


1. Submitted Proposal: Allow older AQHA horses that were not enrolled in the Incentive Fund.

Committee Recommendation: Change Incentive Fund nomination to allow horses to be enrolled after 18 months of age with a fee of $2,500.

Council Recommendation: Amend to allow horses to be enrolled after 18 months of age with a fee of $2,500 as long as the sire was nominated during the appropriate breeding year.

Executive Committee Action: Deny. Refer to an incentive fund task force that will review and make recommendations on improving the incentive fund.

2. Submitted Proposal: Adopt a program that allows open shows to offer a class for all breeds that would give AQHA credits, similar to the programs put on by the American Paint Horse Association, Palomino Horse Breeders of America, Appaloosa Horse, American Ranch Horse and the Pony of the Americas.

Committee Recommendation: To form a task force to research developing an open credit program.

Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve for staff to investigate and determine the need for a possible task force.

3. Submitted Proposal: Review from task force current awards given for certificates, trophies and plaques.

Committee Recommendation: From the Awards Task Force meeting, accept all of the recommendations:

(a) Enhance ROM certificate and consider adding a gold seal.

(b) Publishing a Journal article spotlighting awards offered.

(c) Publishing a Journal article spotlighting Justin Intermediate Exhibitor of the Year award winners and consider a certificate with ribbon for Top Ten.

(d) Recognize first time exhibitors on the web, sending a patch or decal with a congratulations letter.

(e) Maintain program to send the Novice buckle only once when the exhibitor points out of their first novice class. If the exhibitor returns to novice, (as a result of the leveling cycle) another buckle will not be sent.

(f) Consider a Novice achievement award.

(g) Green level – offer separate awards/ recognition / certificate with option to purchase an award from ARC. Develop green level ROM and green level champion awards

(h) Limit the number of green points to 50% that a horse can earn toward an AQHA Champion / Supreme Championship award.

(i) The Limited Rider program goes away. The budget used for the program is moved towards year end awards for the addition of progressive and intermediate year end awards.

(j) With any certificate, offer an upgrade to a plaque from ARC.

Council Recommendation: Approve all items above.

Executive Committee Action: Approve


1. Submitted Proposal: Add new program – “Emerging Athletes Program”

Committee Recommendation: Create a task force to investigate developing a program similar to the Emerging Athletes Program. Members of the task force should include but not limited to members of both the Youth Committee and Youth Showing Subcommittee.

Council Recommendation: Approve

Executive Committee Action: Approve

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