Despite the tornadoes, power outages, and "off the wall" happenings during the APHA judge's test last week in Fort Worth, Texas, 13 applicants tested with ten individuals passing the test.
Justin and Mitzi Martin of Digital Horse Services
(DHS) announce the release of a new innovative application for the
Apple iPad, available in the Apple App Store. The new application takes
full advantage of the form and functionality of the iPad, making it the
ultimate Sale Horse Marketing Tool.
Thank you Lauren Halvorson of Oklahoma
State University for reporting from the Varsity Equestrian National
Championships held in Waco, Texas this past weekend. Find out the inside scoop from Halvorson who was named an All-American and also who won the competitions! asked several individuals involved in the industry this complex question: Aside from the economy, what's the most important thing that we can control that is negatively impacting the horse industry and more importantly, how do you suggest we fix it?
We enjoyed visiting with many of the year's honor roll winners at the AQHA Convention, many of whom we saw throughout the year in various issues of GoMag. The April issue of GoMag celebrates winners from last year, including its cover girl, Chelsea Martz. We are excited by everything 2011 has in store including new high point
races and wish the very best of luck to everyone in 2011.
Those who have been in the horse industry for a while know that the
shows are more fun when amateur competitor Ann Admonius of Ocala,
Florida is around. When you leave Ann's presence, you are always in a
good mood because she has that innate quality to you make you laugh and feel
special. She is also one of those rare individuals who has the ability
to fill up a room with her positive energy and glow.
Nancy Sue Ryan has won so many World and Congress Champion titles in
Hunter Under Saddle that she has lost count. wanted to
find out more about her background, accomplishments and whether she is
pleased with the way hunter under saddle horses have evolved through the
years. Find out what she had to say about a variety of topics,
including what she attributes as her secret to success.
I think there’s a good chance that horse shows were started to settle an argument – a my-horse-is-better-than-yours kind of thing. Arguments like that have been the basis for a number of traditions that we know today, not the least of which is rodeo.
Frank and Lin Berris present their World and Congress Champion bay Quarter Horse stallion, No Doubt Im Lazy. Affectionately known as Ace, this pretty bay is an exceptional show horse destined to be an outstanding sire.