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One on One with Professional Horseman Pete Kyle

Multiple World and Congress Champion Pete Kyle of Whitesboro, Texas is one of the most respected professionals in our industry. In 1997, he was honored with the AQHA Professional Horseman of the Year award and won the NRHA World Championship aboard Dun It The Hardway.

Kyle serves as Chairman of the AQHA Judges Committee, on the Board of Directors for the National Reining Breeders Classic (NRBC), Texas Director for AQHA, and the USEF Vice Chairman of Reining. He holds judges cards for the AQHA, NRHA, and NSBA. Kyle is also proud to have been a member of the 2008 FEI USA Reining Team competing in Manerbio, Italy. He is also widely known for his entertaining freestyle reining routines he puts on display at many of the major NRHA events across the country.

GoHorseShow was honored to sit down with Pete and ask him questions about his background and involvement in the industry.


Q: Hi Pete! Thanks so much for talking to us. So, where did you grow up?

A: I was born and grew up on a cattle ranch in New Mexico and can never remember not being on a horse.

Q: When did you start showing?

A: I did not start showing until I was a senior in high school as I was rodeoing up to that point, then, I thought I might like to show some and got started. I was roping, so, I went into all the roping classes and really enjoyed the whole show. So, I moved into some other classes like horsemanship and western riding.


Q: What do you like about the horse industry?

A: I just love all of it! First, everyday getting to work with an animal that I have so much respect for and the fun of progressing our relationship as we work together. Then, enjoying all the great people that come along, we have been so fortunate to have many great customers who have turned into very good friends. Also, all the other people we get to know all over the world–it just doesn’t get any better!

Q: Who were your mentors in the industry?

A: First, my dad taught me so much about horses, and how to be a horseman and take care of the animals that work so hard for you. Next, my uncle, Jack Kyle who had so much talent with a horse that I am still amazed at what he could do. He and Jackie Krshka (Jack’s daughter and my cousin) taught me about training and also the business side of it and how to handle customers. I have had so many great people help me out such as Tommy Manion, Al Dunning, John Hoyt, and Tim McQuay to name a few.

Q: Tell me how you met your wife Tamra of 31 years, and why do you think you have been able to make your relationship work in an industry that appears to be very hard on marriages?


A: I went to work for Al Dunning, and she had rode with him as a youth. She was just going off to college and stopped by to say hi to Al, and we just hit it right off. We have been married for 31 years and have a great partnership in the business. It has always been our business, and she helps me out so much. Plus, she runs all the breeding part of the business and does all the books and on and on, and all I do is ride. I would not have had the success in the business without her. Plus, she is such an accomplished rider as she has won four different World Championships herself. I think marriage is hard, as there is so much to it that when you first get married you have no idea about, but it takes work from both sides to make it last, and I am lucky to have found her.

Q: What are some of your favorite accomplishments and what would you like your legacy to be in the industry?

A: I do not worry about a legacy. I just enjoy the business and try to give back to it as much as I can, because it has been very good to me. I think one of the proudest accomplishment was getting Horseman of the Year for AQHA because that was voted on by my peers and that means a lot coming from all of them. Also, all of my different world championships because you are competing with the best in the industry at that time and you came out on top. I have also been fortunate to have great customers who have given me some outstanding horses to ride. You are truly only as good as the horse you have under you.

Q: What is one of your favorite memories in the industry?

A: Well, the night we retired Dun It The Hardway in the arena at Oklahoma City was very special as she was a mare that I got as a two year-old and did all the work on and won over seventy thousand dollars on her and a NRHA World Title. We still have her in the pasture, and she is raising great babies just like her. Very special!

Q: Do you have any advice for young trainers?

A: Take your time and work for as many good horseman as you can and never quit learning.

Q: What is it you like about being a judge?

A:I really enjoy being a judge. I take every class as serious as the next one because I know when I am showing that class is important to me; so when I am judging I think about me showing in this class and try to place it right. it is hard work but very rewarding. I really enjoyed judging the Youth World Show and the Congress because they are well run shows that have a lot at stake and there is great horses to pick from.

Q: Can you describe the difference when you started showing “back in the day” to now?

A: “Back in the day”– that is what the old guys would say when I started. Now, I have been in it so long; I guess I have become one of them! I do not look back as much as look forward to what we are doing for the future of our horse industry. We are so much more specialized now then when I started. We all used to show in all the different classes but now we try to excel in fewer classes and be the best in those. That’s what I’m always striving for. I really enjoy the Reining because of the high degree of difficulty there is with the class. It is fun to go fast and have control with very little effort and to have your horse turn and stop big!

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