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Slow N Fluid Passes Away

GoHorseShow.com is saddened to report the passing of Slow N Fluid (Fred), a 1994 bay gelding who was by TNT Fluid Fred and out of Sleepy Ms Duro. Fred was most recently shown by the Chant Family of Abilene, Texas and before that, Renee Dirkse and her mother, Tamara of Rockwall, Texas.

”Steady Freddy” was a talented all around horse who amassed over 1300 AQHA points, several superiors and many Congress Top-Tens including winning the Western Riding one year with Ginger Chant and coming back the next year to tie to win the class. Fred was Reserve Champion 2 Year-Old Western Pleasure at the Congress and Top-3 in four different youth pleasure classes at the Congress. He was also sixth at the 2005 AQHA World Show in the Senior Western Riding. Past exhibitors include: Gillian Chant, Ginger Chant, Renee and Tamara Dirkse, Jamie Bissell, Stephen Stephens and Terry Cross of Riverside Ranch.

Stephen Stephens of Riverside Ranch fondly remembers Slow N Fluid when he had him in training for several years with two different clients. “What was so special about him was that he was a family horse. Anyone could ride him and be competitive. The father of the Chant girls showed him and won the Texas Champion of Champions with him in the Western Pleasure, the Chant girls were competitive in the regular and novice youth classes, and he placed in the Top-10 at the World Show in the Senior Western Riding. It is rare to find a horse that a whole family could ride and be competitive in all divisions.”


Ginger Chant (pictured below left, photo by Shane Rux), who showed Fred to many youth wins said that, “Fred was an amazing horse. He definitely made me the rider I am today. He took careof me in the show pen, if I needed it, but he also taught me how to tell him exactly what I wanted. He would always give 110% in every class. He would forgive me for my mistakes, and never hold a grudge. Fred is the reason I love western riding and hope to do it with my current horse. Without Fred, I wouldn’t be where I am today, and for that I am forever grateful–RIP.”

According to former owner Renee Dirkse, Fred was the complete package: looks, movement, and mind. “He was known in the show pen for his consistency and beautiful lope but what made Fred so special was not his talent but his heart. I could trust him with anything, even my mom,” Renee recalls. “I remember one time in the horsemanship I walked up to the cone and was suppose to turn right. Fred starts to turn right and I stop him and turn left. My mom and I had a saying after that show, ‘when in doubt, trust your horse!'”

When Renee went away for college, her mother, Tamara Dirkse, showed Fred to a Top-10 in the Rookie of the Year. “Fred was just the best horse ever,” Tamara said. “He was so well liked at the horse shows, and people were just drawn to him. He was so darn cute at 15 hands, but he had a big horse mentality. He did so much for everyone who ever owned him. He was a champion, and he made everyone involved with him a champion. He may have been little in stature but he had a big personality and a big big heart.”

Tamara also recalls Fred being somewhat grumpy on the ground and when they put the saddle on him. “He was so funny. If someone didn’t know him, they would have probably been scared to death of him, but I always told my daughter that we would let him think he is a bully until he really acts like one—but he never acted on it.”


Fred made showing horses fun, Renee remembers. “He made you work hard enough to earn his respect but loved his job–especially the western riding and western pleasure classes. Growing up with Fred gave me such confidence. This horse had such a huge impact on my life because during the rough high school years he was my shoulder to cry on, my best friend, and teacher.”

When Renee was sad or unconfident, she mentions that she would pet his ears (his favorite) and he would look at her with his sweet puppy dog eyes and melt her heart.

“Steady Freddy and I shared so many memorable high and lows: winning circuit championships; learning western riding together; the first time I qualified for the Youth World; finding out I got into Texas A&M; when my granddad died; truly great rides; breakups; winning the Varsity Equestrian National Championships; and all the life long memories made traveling the country with my family and Riverside Ranch.”

Renee says that she has thought about him every day since she sold him in 2007, and she knows there will not be a day in the future where he won’t cross her mind. “I am so thankful to have owned this horse and forever grateful to God, my parents, Stephen Stephens, and Terry Cross for putting this special, beautiful, perfect animal in my life.”

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