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WCHA Announces Development of All Breed Halter Claiming Futurities Competition

One of the challenges
facing the Board of Directors of the World Conformation Horse Association (WCHA) has
been addressing how our organization can best serve ALL
breeders, owners and exhibitors of
halter horses. At a quick glance of the
industry as a whole it’s apparent that all events and focus are on the horses
that can compete at the highest level, the
World Shows, the All American Congress and even our WCHA sponsored Jerry Wells
Memorial Futurities.

Although the
numbers of breeder’s futurities in several states has decreased in number the
elite horses take home the awards and prize money. We as breeders are all striving to raise
foals that can win at the highest level but of the hundreds of halter foals
born every year only a small percentage fall into this elite category. Regardless if you breed a couple mares as a
hobby, or if you’re a large breeder with 50 mares and a prominent stallion, we
all raise foals that are of good quality with excellent bloodlines, however, if
they can’t place in the top 10 at world show competition their show career and
marketability are limited.


Each year we
see fewer and fewer entries in the halter classes at the weekend horse shows
because the average horses can’t compete against the elite horses that are at
the show qualifying for world show competition. It’s very discouraging for
someone new to the industry to get started showing halter horses because there
are no divisions based on the quality of horses showing in the class, homegrown
horses shown by exhibitors with limited experience and financial means compete
against prominent trainers or owners leading world champions. Not saying there
shouldn’t be places for prominent trainers and owners with world champion
horses but we need to even the playing field and have a place for
everyone. Even in a struggling economy the elite horses bring
$20,000/$50,000/$75,000 and more, well out of the price range of most
exhibitors. If only there were halter
classes where exhibitors could show the more affordable horses, against horses
and exhibitors with the same abilities and qualities, our industry could see
much needed growth.

The popularity of the NCHA
and NRHA has been growing because they have several levels of competition based
on horse and rider skills. Beginners can
purchase a cheaper horse and compete against other horses and exhibitors with
the same skills. The race horse industry
has been using another very successful method for decades to separate different
classes of horses so that more owners/trainers/breeders have fair competition regardless of the value
and quality of the horse. They’ve been
using claiming races, where horses of
the same monetary value are grouped together by entering a race with a designated
claiming price, any horse entered can then be “claimed by another
owner/trainer” for the claiming price of
the race. This prevents higher valued horses
from entering a lower valued claiming race
so the competition among participants stays evenly matched. For example, a multi- million dollar Kentucky
Derby winner would never enter a $5000 claiming race for fear of being claimed
by another owner, by contrast, in halter horse competition we have no means to
separate the lesser quality horses so a
beginning halter horse enthusiast often times competes against world champions. These
claiming classes also serve as an effective marketing tool. Trainers and owners with a keen eye use
claiming races to purchase nice horses that haven’t reached it’s full potential
by claiming these horses at a “no haggle” price based on the claiming amount of

In an effort to address
these problems facing the halter industry and encourage our membership and
prospective members to more actively participate in events, the WCHA is sponsoring
a set of ALL BREED Weanling Halter Claiming Classes. The classes will be held during the Cajun
Classic Quarter Horse Circuit in Gonzales, Louisiana, November 25 through 28.
(The Louisiana Breeders and the Rainbow
Futurities are also held this weekend so your weanling might also be eligible
to compete in these futurities as well.) Taking this a step further, only non-professional exhibitors are eligible
to compete in these claiming classes, it will be limited to “Intermediate
Non-Pros”. (Defined as Non Pros, 19 yrs
and older who have not won a Quarter Horse Congress Halter Championship or a
World or Reserve World Championship in AQHA or APHA in the previous 5
years.) The following is the list of
classes offered:

$3500 Claiming Class for Weanling Colts (Geldings and
Stallions Combined)


$6500 Claiming Class for Weanling Colts
(Geldings and Stallions Combined)

$6500 Claiming Class for Weanling

$10,000 Claiming Class for Weanling

$3000 in added money will
be split between all four classes, pro-rated on the number of entries in each
class, 90% of entry fees added back. A beautiful sterling silver trophy buckle
will be awarded to each futurity champion. By entering any of the specific
classes listed above the owner recognizes that the horse can be claimed by another
party and is willing to sell the horse for the amount of the claiming
class. Horses must be “registered” with
AQHA, APHA, Appaloosa or Pinto breed associations. Entry fees per class is $150.00 however, entries prior to Nov 1 will be accepted at $140.00
as an incentive to enter early.
Furthermore, if you enter early
you have the option to switch to different claiming class up to one hour prior
to class. For entry forms, and complete
set of rules contact Brian Causey or Don Falcon, contact information listed

Prior to each class,
prospective buyers will have time to walk around and inspect futurity entries
and visit with owners before they file their claim. Anyone, 19 years or older, can claim a horse
that competes in a futurity for the amount of the claiming class. A claim slip will be given to the claim
secretary anytime prior to the completion of the judge placing the class.
A $200 cash deposit is made with each claim, if more than one claim is
made on a horse the lucky claim will be drawn out of a hat with unsuccessful
claim deposits returned. The claim
secretary will hold the registration papers on the horse until balance of claim
is made in full, checks for remaining amount will be accepted. If
a horse is claimed, the futurity winnings will be split 50-50 with original
owner and new claimant.


$500 sponsorship
contributions from Heck Yea QH (Wallace and Kristy Heck), Rancho Poco Loco (Bobbie and Henry Atkinson), Landlock QH (Daniel Chocola),
Causey Farms (Brian and Dawn Causey)
Stehney QH (Joy Stehney) Triple J Paint and QH (Wayne and Erin
Jefcoat) HeadleyQH (Steve and Kathy
Headley) have lead the way in getting this program off the ground.

Each futurity champion
will be awarded a sterling silver trophy buckle sponsored by Carlton Leger (2)
Craig Parmley and Don Falcon.

Don Falcon, WCHA Futurity Chairman adds, “We truly thank our sponsors for their
financial support with these futurities, without their unselfish desire to help the halter
industry this event and others like it would not be possible. These claiming classes are something never
tried in the halter industry, the purpose is to provide competition for the
lesser valued horses that we all raise.
The number of participants taking part in this inaugural event will
determine if future events will be held, anyone that sees this as a positive
move for future growth we urge you to
participate. So far, the excitement generated by this concept has been through the roof so we’re expecting
a great turnout.”

For further information:

Brian Causey – Futurity
Coordinator and Sponsorship Chairman 318-331-1402 or [email protected]

Falcon- WCHA Futurity Chairman and Claims Secretary 830-401-4470
or [email protected]




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