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Peyton Bivins Wraps Up From The AQHA Youth World Cup

this is Peyton Bivins and I’m going to be reporting for GoHorseShow.com readers from the 2010 AQHA Youth World Cup. The Youth World Cup is held every-other-year and this year’s event is being held in Oklahoma
City and runs from July 3 – 10. It is a complete honor to represent the
United States and I know this is going to be an experience that I’ll never

to see Peyton’s slide show from Oklahoma City.

Top Ten things that made the 2010 Youth World Cup my most
memorable experience:


10)  Being selected to take part of this event was truly
an honor and I am so fortunate to have been chosen

9)   Stepping out of my comfort zone and being able to
bond with a horse in which I had never ridden and being able to have it ready
to show in three days

8)  Getting to know the members of my team and
learning how to work together

7)   Feeling the support and encouragement from our
country and friend and family (especially my dad aka Mr. America)


6)   Learning how to count and sing songs in other
languages on the bus

5)  Showing against not only people from the United
States but from all around the world was just amazing

4)   Having wonderful roommates and waking up at 4:00 am
to an overflowing toilet!

3)   Being able to support everyone and cheer on my
team mates and hearing the national anthem in their honor was so incredible

2)   Meeting people from all around the world and
learning how they live and show their horses was so interesting


1)   The surprise when Team USA was announced as the high
point team and knowing how hard we worked with our horses and that in the end
it all payed off. This was truly the most amazing opportunity that I have been
given and I will never forget this experience.

Saturday, July 10

Wow!  It has been an unbelievable week! With the competition coming to a close, it ended up being really tight between Team USA and Germany. We knew Team USA had done really well as we took away four individual high

Reed Kyle – Cutting
Katy Krshka – Showmanship
Hunt Seat Equitation and
Trail – Alison Ceresani

At the awards banquet, much to our surprise,
team USA was announced as the high point team!!! We were so happy and all worked
hard and it payed off. We had an incredible team of riders and leadership

I would like to thank the leadership members for all of their hard
work, without them we wouldn’t have been able to do this. This was a group
effort and we worked hard and it definitely payed off!

Thursday, July 8

The competition started off great Wednesday with Reed
Kyle of Team USA placing first and second in the cutting! Today we have a full day of
showing and we are ready to get started!

Hunt Seat Equitation

1st Place – USA

2nd Place – USA

3rd Place – Germany

Hunter Under Saddle Results

1st – USA

2nd – New Zealand

3rd – Switzerland

Trail Results

1st Place – USA

2nd Place – New Zealand

3rd Place – Canada

Western Riding Results

1st place -Germany

2nd place – Australia

3rd place – United Kingdom

Western Horsemanship Results

1st Place – USA

2nd Place – Canada

3rd Place – Germany


Place – USA

Place – United Kingdom

Place – Germany

Pleasure Results:

Place – Germany

Place – New Zealand

Place – Switzerland

Monday, July 5

We are getting closer and closer to competition in OKC!
We have been learning our horses and having the opportunity to participate in
clinics for each event. As team members, we have had the privilege to work with a
variety of professionals including Charlie Cole, Robin Frid, Patty Carter
Pratt, Carla Wennberg, Andy Mormon, Scott Neuman, David Dellin, and Gil

Teams have been working on building relationships with horses and
being able to help them to adjust to the variety of events that it will be participating
in. Team USA has been working very hard and we are ready to get started!

Saturday, July 3

kick off the 2010 Youth World Cup, the teams were entertained by Indian Dancers
and the Santa Rosa Palomino Drill Team. There are a total of sixteen teams
competing this year and each team was presented in the Parade of Teams. Next,
the teams gathered for the opening night informal mixer at the Embassy Suites which gave competitors
and leadership members the chance to interact. We played a fun game in which we had to touch thumbs to introduce ourselves to other team members. Last, gifts were exchanged
between countries.

horses will be drawn and the preparation will begin! That really makes
happy – I’m ready to ride! I’ll have more in the upcoming days.  Happy Fourth of July to everyone!!!!

Click here to see Peyton’s slide show from Oklahoma City.

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