Congratulations to’s own Dakota Diamond Griffith just being elected AQHYA President. Griffith said, “I bawled because I was so excited when I found out.” We are proud of her determination and drive to create a legacy in the horse industry–not just in the horse arena but as a journalist and now President of AQHYA. This organization is the largest youth equine breed association in the world with over 30,000 members.
Go Dakota!
In Dakota’s own words: It is an honor to have been elected as the 2010 – 2011 AQHYA President and have the opportunity to serve our 30,000 youth members worldwide. As many of you know, Hopeful Assets, a/k/a Hope, has been my loyal partner in the show arena in recent years, and has changed my life forever. After a young rider with disabilities explained that Hope was his favorite horse, I was touched and realized that an acronym for the mare’s name is “Helping Other People Excel” Hope logically became an inspiration for my AQHYA campaign, and I pledge to work to Help Other People Excel during my term as president. Thank you to my friends, both old and new who believed in my message which we can all pass on!
xoxo, Dakota Diamond Griffith
The 2010 – 2011 AQHYA Executive Committee Members:
President: Dakota Diamond Griffith, Hilliard, OH
Vice President: Brooke Ingstad, Fargo, ND
Secretary: Leah Thomas, South Royalton, VT
Treasurer: Rachel Pendergraft, Fayetteville, AR
Sentinel: Britt Lynch, Monroe, GA
Look out for Dakota’s full story on her election win coming soon.