The APHA Executive Committee approved the APHA World Show qualifying
proposal–announced June 4 at APHA Workshop.
Horse qualification is by participation beginning in 2011, and the first
World Shows with qualified entries will be in 2012.
The following is more information about the rule.
1. All horses (Regular Registry and Solid Paint-Bred) must qualify to
participate at the World Championship Paint Horse Shows. In order to
qualify to compete at each World Show, all horses must compete at
four (4) different APHA-approved show events, with a minimum of eight
(8) judges total during the qualifying period. All horses may be shown
in any state to qualify–participation is the key.
Example: a two (2) day one-judge show held Saturday and Sunday may not
be counted as two (2) shows–it is considered one show event. A four
(4) judge POR may not be counted as four (4) shows–it is considered
one show event. However, in both cases, the number odf judges may be
counted toward the minimum judge requirement.
2. Qualification period:
a. Summer World Show–qualifying period is from April 1 – March 31 of
the World Show year.
b. Fall World Show–qualifying period is from August 1-July 31 of the
World Show year.
3. Horses will show in their appropriate age division at the World
SHows, regardless of the qualifying division. The World Shows will not
count towards qualification.
4. All owners must be APHA members at the time of the show in order
for that show to count towards the show requirement for qualification.
5. All horses must qualify by participating in the required number of
APHA-approved shoe events under the required minimum number of judges.
Horses are not required to qualify in specific events in any division.
Any qualified horse may be shown in any class at the World Show in any
division in which they are eligible.
6. Exhibitors are not required to qualify. Any exhibitor may show any
qualified horse in any class at the World SHow in any division in
which they are eligible.
7. Horses being shown only in the following classes are not required
to qualify due to time constraints and age of horse.
-Weanling halter
-Yearling halter
-Yearling Longe Line and Yearling In-Hand Trail
-Two-year-old performance classes
-Three-year-old performance classes
Additional exemptions will be determined by each zone–each zone
coordinating committee will submit a list of classes that are not
offered during the qualifying year in their zone, thereby exempting
horses from being required to qualify in those classes. Exemption will
be granted to horses whose owners reside in that zone only in the
classes that were declared by the zone coordinating committee. If you
are qualified by exemption, the horse must be entered in that class to
be eligible to compete at the world show.
Example: Roping, cutting, over fenced, etc in certain areas.
8. Geldings that were qualified as a stallion must be exhibited in the
gelding classes.
9. At no time will the number of points or lack thereof be considered
for qualification. Participation at APHA-approved shows is the only
basis for qualification.
10. Specialty classes (including Youth Leadline, Parents Western
Pleasure, challenges, sweepstakes, slots and futurity classes do not
require horse qualification to enter; although if regular classes are
also to be entered, then the horse must qualify.
If you have questions, contact Performance at (817) 222-8455 or ext.