Brittany Boyd – November GoMag, page 16-17
GoMag featured thousands of great ads this year by some very talented graphic designers, so picking just one ad to call Best of 2009 made it pretty challenging. But when it came right down to it, we think the fact that we’ve had a foot of snow on the ground for the last few weeks may have something to do with why and how we picked our winner. After flipping through month after month of issues, the answer appeared as if sent from above in the form of hot sun, warm sand, splashing waves and a beautiful girl and her horse frolicking on the beach. It really doesn’t get much better than that, does it? So without further ado, the two page spread designed by Kristin Martin of Certified Images gets our nod for Best GoMag Ad of 2009. And Brittany, we are more than available for the next photo shoot if you or Reid needs an extra hand. Let’s try to get that booked in the next month or so, shall we?