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A Speech to Remember: Horsing Around to Change Lives

My mother always told me that it takes a village to build one life. I thought I understood this metaphor at the time. However, the older I get the more I realize how much of a village it actually takes. I am constantly surrounded by the horse show community and showing my American Quarter Horse side by side with some exquisite people. I have been showing for 16 years now but one day at a show a thought occurred to me. Do the friends and family of this little “village” realize how many young lives they have built? All the character they literally have thrown at the youth to take for their own and apply it to the real world.

At 21 years old I realize that some people never even get the chance to find their natural born talents or passions in life. This community is fortunate to have family and friends to make sure we get to do what we were born to do and carry each other with grace. I wrote this speech and delivered it at the Arkansas Quarter Horse Show banquet this year to explain to those involved in the horse show “village” that they are constantly building lives with their actions whether they realize it or not. My name is Alli Brooke Mathis and I am from Conway, Arkansas. Like I had mentioned before I am 21 years old and have been showing since I was 5. I am a junior at the University of Central Arkansas and I am incredibly blessed to still be able to show my American Quarter Horse named Dillon. This speech depicts how I feel about my horse show community and I know that those involved like me will relate.

Horsing Around to Change Lives


I came across a quote some time ago and could not help but ponder on it for a while. It truly made me take a step back and have a different perspective of what God and life has graciously handed me. The quote read:

“Do you ever look at a picture of yourself, and see a stranger in the background? Makes you wonder, how many strangers have pictures of you? How many moments of other peoples’ lives have we been in? Were we a part of someone’s life when their dreams came true? Or were we there when their dreams died? Did we keep trying to get in, as is if we were somehow destined to be there? Or did the shot take us by surprise? Just think. You could be a big part of someone else’s life and not know it.”

I’ve wrote this piece for you today to recognize a specific individual who I know does not realize what an impeccable impact they have made on, not only my life, but oh so many throughout this association. This exquisite, yet humble, soul has a heart that is so large…it’s nearly unfathomable. Not only that, but a mind with gears that turn with such passion and force they are unstoppable. They not only stand their ground physically, but spiritually, mentally and morally.

This individual has taught me that a gracious loss is just as admirable as a superior win. They have taught me that sweat on your brow and dedication can help you achieve just about anything you set your mind on. They have taught me to throw my anger and frustration in a positive direction rather than negative (because lets face it whether its whooping up on your horse being a jerk or a person being a jerk.. neither one ever turns into a winning situation).


The love for family and passion to help others is something I admire about this individual. They do not take relationships with others lightly…and hold dear the strong relationships that have continuously built this community we are surrounded by at this very moment.

Back tracking to my quote…. it asks, “how many moments of other peoples’ lives have we been in?” Can you honestly count? In our very expensive passion, we definitely get caught up in the hustle of things. Heck, in this world today we get caught up in the hustle of things. (I am getting to my point I swear). “YOU could be a big part of someone else’s life and not even know it.” Now, how fair is that? YOU could have done one small gesture, flashed one smile, gave one small pat on the back, gave advice, I mean heck even put someone in their place when they needed it.

Maybe it wasn’t even personal contact. Maybe you influenced someone by them watching how you handle yourself, your life, your failures and accomplishments. We all can relate to when you are showing your heart out, giving it your actual all and it just doesn’t go as planned, but isn’t that what life is all about? Who knows, but YOU changed their life. YOU made them grow and YOU aren’t even aware of it. How crazy is that? So I decided why let all the stimuli distract us from acknowledging those who built us one lesson at a time?

Back tracking, again to the wonderful individual that is responsible for influencing the young minds of this crazy, addictive, lifestyle we live in.

It is YOU. Every single one of YOU that has been a part of American Quarter Horse Association. It is so hard to take a step back from the fast pace of a show and realize just how incredible this community we have is.


I will forever be thankful for every moment I have had with YOU.

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