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January GoMag Deadline Is Friday

Advertise in the February issue of GoMag

Monday, January 30th is the final day to submit ads for the February issue of GoMag.  The February issue will spotlight the industry’s best breeding and show horses,
exhibitors and product and service providers. Remember, GoMag is emailed to all AQHA, NSBA and APHA judges and will be available online
with ample viewing time to get your advertising message seen.

Affordable Rates
benefits of digital advertising are endless, but more than anything,
the format of our digital magazine, GoMag, saves you money. Full page,
full color ads start at just $130/page. Get your ad in front of your
target audience for a fraction of the cost of traditional print media.

CLICK HERE to reserve your spot in GoMag now via our secure online shopping cart. We encourage you to send an email to Jennifer Simpson, our Director of Sales or give her a call at 425-785-5868 and she will be happy to help you.


CLICK HERE to view the current issue of GoMag

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Last Shows of the 2024 Show Season for Mississippi Quarter Horse Association

Entries are Open for AQHA World Championship Shows

Bidding Closes September 10 for Internet Auction

2024 APHA Eastern National Championship Show Expands in Successful Ohio Debut

2024 NSBA World Championship Show – All Around and High Point Winners Announced

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Last Shows of the 2024 Show Season for Mississippi Quarter Horse Association

Entries are Open for AQHA World Championship Shows

Bidding Closes September 10 for Internet Auction

GoMag: September Fall Shows Issue Online Now

2024 APHA Eastern National Championship Show Expands in Successful Ohio Debut