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What Does the Congress Mean to You?

The 47th All-American Quarter Horse Congress has come to an end leaving thousands of people with long-lasting memories. Exhibitors, trainers, vendors, parents, braiders…you name it, the Congress means something to everyone. Many come to compete, but some come to shop in Congress Hall, buy trucks or horses, watch top riders, chase dreams or simply to eat from the Sweet Shop. No matter what the allure, Congress has a special place in every horse lover’s heart.







Here’s what some people at the Congress are saying about what makes this show so special to them.


Scott Jones – Professional

There’s a lot of prestige to win the Congress. So it means a lot of sleepness nights, hard work, and strategizing as well as seeing old friends and meeting new ones.




Alexis Beeler – Youth Exhibitor

Some say, “You’re only as good as your next horse show.” In a lot of ways, that’s true from weekend to weekend. We all work hard on weekends and then we sweat it out for the youth world come August. But everybody knows that doing well at the Congress makes all the late nights, the hard-work and the tears–all those frustrations disappear in one moment when your name is called at the top of the heap at the All American Quarter Horse Congress. Being a winner at Congress means so much to many of us because it lifts you (as a rider) to a higher plane and you can carry that with you for the rest of your life.

Christina Wenger – Amateur Exhibitor

Congress is such a special time! We all work so very hard all year long to prepare for that moment of entering the arena at Congress with the hopes of our dreams coming true. It is an honor to get to show here with such great horses and competitors from all over. The long sleepless nights seem to be quickly forgotten when you hear your number called!! Love getting to see all my horse show friends and family and making such great memories!

Cathy Herrin – AQHA Trainer

Well, I have been here almost every year since the first Congress when my Dad’s stud Snips Vandy won Aged Stallions. I can’t remember the last time I missed. Whether being here as a spectator, working in Congress Hall at a vendors, being an exhibitor, or as a trainer and coach, I can’t imagine missing it. It’s a place where anyone and everyone can come show their Quarter Horse. I think
everyone should do it at least once; it’s a crazy atmosphere that we all complain about, but can’t wait to come back and do it again! It’s the best accumulation of horses and riders, it’s a chance to test you and your horse’s abilities at the very highest level, and of course you can’t top the shopping, and of course, the Sweet Shop. It’s hard to put into words just what Congressdoes mean to me!

Katy Jo Zuidema – Professional Trainer

The Congress for me is tradition. It’s the Celeste Center and the organ music and the green wall and the over hang and the Congress jackets and stall decorations. It’s seeing everyone dressed in winter hats and coats and sweaters. The Congress is mentally and physically the most exhausted I have ever been in my life other than childbirth. The results and the schedule can truly make you or break you. It has resulted in some of my highest highs and my lowest lows. When factored by the hour we don’t even make minimum wage, but we keep coming back because it’s tradition.

Grace Zylstra – Youth Exhibitor

Congress is that one big show where I come to prove to not only to others, but to myself that my hard work pays off…and I deserve to be here as much as anyone else!



Jenny Martin – Amateur Competitor

I’ve been attending the congress since I was nine. I love it…its my favorite show! You get to see all your horse show friends and family that you haven’t seen all year. It’s like a family reunion! Also, it is the last BIG show for most of us before the World Show. We all work very hard for this show all year long and we get to see all our hard work pay off there. Even though it’s long nights and early mornings, it’s always a fun, exciting show.

Ashley Hadlock – Amateur Competitor

Congress had always been a tradition for my family when I was in youth. It was just a given that we would go every year. After I got out of youth and school demanded more time and less play, I was forced to take a 5-year break from Congress. I no longer take for granted the opportunity to be here and enjoy the entire
experience in another perspective. I am blessed to have a job that allows me to self-schedule which gives me the opportunity to come here and show.

Lee – Professional Braider

Working as a braider, the Congress is my most lucrative show of the year.  With that comes the highest level of stress for the year. Balancing those two elements are key. I start collecting my customer’s schedules as soon as entries are turned in so that I can work out a plan. There are days that automatically overbook regardless of how many horses I commit to. Those days, and the days before and after are the days I really study to see if I can make it work or need help. Even with that much preparation, chaos can break loose at any time with all arenas showing at once. I really enjoying taking part in and seeing the different programs each horse has. It’s interesting; the horses get here as just talented stock with a chance to be great. Then some go home as talented stock that made a little history. While their braids may not have won them a class, I still take pride in knowing I braided a Congress champion. As a spectator, I see exhibitor and horse working hard to overcome obstacles. Anything can happen throughout the year but the congress facility, grounds and weather present a brutal environment where riders and horse struggle or thrive. Or struggle, and then thrive. It’s an opportunity for exhibitors and horse to be brilliant or humbled. Reach goals and make new ones. There is always next year…

Virginia Beaton – Open Exhibitor

We look forward to it every year. We work very hard to get here and
it is definitely our main goal throughout the rest of the year.




Miranda Rogers Schaefer – Amateur Competitor

Congress is what I work for all year long. On one hand, I look forward to seeing friends from around the country that I don’t get to see often, and I enjoy watching the best horses perform. On the other hand, it is nerve-wracking working all year hoping that your hard work translates into great rides. Congress has the deepest competition but is also the most rewarding if you do well. It is my favorite show.

Kelley Mundrick – Amateur Competitor

The Congress is a place where I feel like dreams come true! Memories are made with the people that mean the most to you and where hard work, determination and some luck come into play. It is truly one of the best times of the year.



Maria George – Youth Competitor

Congress means a show where everyone around the states comes together to show people what they’ve been working for all year for. It’s a fun time when trainers bring their clients together as a family and everyone becomes closer. The competition is harder so the reward of winning is a bigger accomplishment than most shows.


Maggie Bellville – Amateur Select Competitor

The Congress to me is a marathon, not a race. The Congress represents how a rider and a horse can overcome so many obstacles to come up the winner. Weather, splits, judges, soundness and sickness, Congress crud- and more contribute to whether you make it or not. But the fact that you are here, you’re competing, and
you can say I showed at the Congress!! That’s winning and that’s what it means to me!!!

Ariel Herrin – Amateur Competitor

The Congress is by far my favorite show of the year! It’s a time to celebrate all the hard work it takes to make a great horse and rider team, to congregate with people from all over who share the same passion, time to spend a little money on some fair food and all things horse related, and for me, it’s a time to see my family from Ohio I only see a few times a year.


Tiffany Hooper – Professional Trainer

Congress for me is about seeing the best horses show. Also getting to visit and meet new people and see old friends.


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