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NEW UPDATE: Prayers for Sunni Hecht Injured in ATV Accident

UPDATES from Sunni’s Sister–Courtney Hecht Stewart’s Facebook Page

July 20, 2014


Sunni’s transfer to Craig Hospital (in Englewood, Colorado) has been confirmed for Tuesday, July 22. We are hopeful that this will be a positive next step in her rehabilitation. My mother, Michelle, will be moving down here to continue assisting Sunni with her recovery. We have received a number of requests from individuals wanting to provide assistance to our family during this time. Now is your opportunity to help. Since this move will require Mom and Sunni being further from home, it will be a big transition. Care packages, meals (for those living in the northern Colorado area), and things of that nature are welcome at this time. Anything sent to Mom and/or Sunni will come through me (Courtney). Though Sunni has made great progress, she still cannot handle visitors. For this reason, I will coordinate the delivery of care packages since I live in the area. To arrange a care package, meal, etc., please send e-mail me at [email protected]. Your reaching out to us during this difficult time is greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your continued support.

After this morning’s update, I received an overwhelming number of messages offering to help our family during Sunni and Mom’s transition to Colorado. Thank you all for your kindness. Since the interest is greater than I anticipated, I have set up a meal train account for people living in the area to provide meals for Mom (Michelle Hecht). I have set up meals for weekends (Friday-Sunday) starting next weekend through the month of August. Since I live and work in Fort Collins (about an hour north of Denver), I realize that my house will be an inconvenient drop-off location for many. For this reason, I plan to coordinate meal pick-up times for Saturdays and Sundays during this period. If you are wanting to sign up to provide a meal, please e-mail me at [email protected], and I will send you an invitation to the site. Thank you again for your desire to help during this time.



I received a few follow up requests for information regarding restaurants in the area, so that gift cards can be sent to Mom. If you know my mother Michelle, you know she is an avid coffee drinker. Starbucks, Dazbog, and other local coffee shops are a hit for her :). The restaurants around the hospital are not necessarily chains, but local treasures. The link below will provide a list of these. 


There is also plenty of chain eateries in the greater area, like Panera, Old Chicago Pizza, etc which are good options. Again, thank you all for thinking of our family. This support is very much appreciated.

The family has also set up a Caring Bridge page for people to check up how she is doing–http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/shineonsunni2/journal

June 23rd


Sunni’s next stage of care has begun. Currently, her stage of coma is being evaluated so that they can determine the appropriate amounts of stimulus and rest periods. They are determining her level of cognitive functioning and investigating her ability to swallow, as these remain big issues. Though Sunni sometimes exhibits responsiveness, it is not fully known if these responses are intentional or if they are simply reflexive. This coma center will help determine that. Sunni is very much fighting an uphill battle. Her long-term prognosis is not known. This stage of care will help determine this. Thank you all for your continued support at this time.

The family has also set up a Caring Bridge page for people to check up how she is doing. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/shineonsunni2/journal 

June 22nd


Sunni safely made it to the long term coma center in Billings yesterday–this was a long and exhausting process, but today is more restful. She remains in a coma; however, she is able to rest more comfortably today since she is being kept in one place. Dad (Don Hecht) will be resuming normal office hours at Community Chiropractic (M, W, F 8-6; Tues 12-6; Thu 8-12), so patients should feel free to schedule their appointments. Mom (Michelle Hecht) and Dad are taking turns watching vigilantly over Sunni during this waiting process, but again cannot yet take visitors in Billings. Sunni has experienced a lot over the past few weeks and needs this time to rest peacefully for her healing to continue. We thank you all for your kindness during this time.

June 20th

Sunni remains in a coma and exhibits similar neurological condition today. However, her level of responsiveness has greatly improved from her admission to the hospital. When she was admitted, she measured a “3” on the Glasgow coma scale (completely unresponsive). Over the last few days, she has measured “8” on the Glasgow coma scale which indicates some responsiveness. She is seeing improvements with her ability to digest food. She also continues to breathe as independently as possible, but requires periodic assistance from the respirator.

Arrangements for her next stage of care are in progress. The next stage of care will take effect by next week. Thank you for your continued support and encouragement during this time.

June 17th

This week’s doctors, who were also on duty when my sister Sunni was admitted, evaluated her neurological tests and last week’s MRI yesterday. Though she sustained sufficient injuries, they believe her neurological condition has improved from the tests at admission. Her MRI leads them to believe that most of her brain is in good condition. However, there is significant damage in a few areas. They continue evaluating her condition and are taking this week to discuss the next step in care. This next step will likely be in effect for several weeks to months, and will help better determine her long term prognosis. Thank you for your continued support through this.

June 16th

Today, Sunni’s condition remains relatively consistent–no significant changes good or bad. She is still in the ICU and still in a coma. There is a changeover in personnel–the ICU doctors are on duty for a week at a time before changing over to the other doctors. The doctors who were on duty last week and read her MRI, are off duty this week. The doctors coming on duty this week are the ones who were on duty when she was admitted and performed her craniotomy. This week’s doctors are evaluating her MRI and her current state. She is a fighter. We are all still hoping for the best, but not fully knowing what that will be at this point. Thank you for keeping her in your thoughts and prayers.


June 13th

Yesterday, Sunni Hecht underwent a tracheostomy surgical procedure to better facilitate independent breathing. That procedure went well. However, she faced complications of another sort. Her blood counts significantly decreased throughout the day. The emergency surgery that Sunni received shortly after admission, the craniotomy, temporarily placed a piece of skull in her abdomen to allow for her brain to swell and heal. A CT scan confirmed that she is internally bleeding around this piece of skull in her abdomen and that she has an infection. She will undergo surgery today to remove this piece of skull.  The neurological exam confirms the same findings. She remains in a coma. Please keep Sunni in your thoughts and prayers. 

June 12th

This morning, Sunni will undergo a tracheostomy, a procedure which better enables her to breathe independently. Her body temperature appears to be more stable and consistent today, which is an improvement. When Mom squeezes her hand, she squeezes back. We are told this is a result of reflex, but hope it is really her intending to do this. Thank you for your continued thoughts and prayers through this battle.

June 11th

Sunni’s MRI results yesterday evening gave us all quite a scare. The doctors who met with Mom, Dad, Morgan, and Holly indicated that we were likely seeing the end of her life.
Today’s discussion with the neurologist, however, provided a small glimmer of hope. The neurologist voiced that Sunni did suffer a stroke and experienced a brain herniation on the non-dominant side. He believes that her brain activity is too promising to give up at this time, and that we should stay the course (same treatment) for the next week or two. He has not ruled out the other doctors’ opinions, but believes her age and good health (prior to the accident) will work in her favor with the potential to survive and thrive. Sunni has a long road to recovery. We have not given up hope yet. We will continue to wait and see. Please continue to send your positive thoughts and prayers. This support is greatly needed at this time.

June 10th

As of this morning, Sunni remains in a coma. There continues to be some bodily movement, but she has not yet woken. She started running a fever, so they are running some cultures to determine what sort of infection may be causing this. The culture results will be back in a few days. Some of her tubing was removed, so she is scheduled for an MRI at some point today. This will better evaluate the state of her brain and condition of her neck. Sunni is still fighting an uphill battle. However, she appears to be fighting and making progress. We thank you all for your support during this time. Though we would not have wished for these circumstances, we are blown away by the kindness and generosity of so many people. This reaffirms for all of us that there is plenty of good in the world. Please keep Sunni in your thoughts and prayers.

June 9th

Sunni had a good day, relatively speaking, yesterday. The paralytic medications are wearing off, and she has shown slight reactions to stimulus in all of her limbs. She is breathing on her own some, but is being kept on the ventilator until she can do this more consistently. She showed small reactions in both pupils, and partially opened one eye on her own. She continues to be weaned off of her sedatives. The plan is still to take the MRI in the next few days to evaluate her brain. However, this is contingent upon the removal of some tubing. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and/or prayers!

June 8th

Sunni is being weaned off her sedatives, but it will take a day for them to clear her system. She took a few breaths on her own last night. The plan is to schedule a trachiotomy in the next few days. They also plan to take an MRI to better evaluate her brain (once some of the tubing is removed from her). Thank you all for your continued support.

June 7th

Angiogram results indicate a lot of blood flow to brain, which is good news. There was no significant change in CT scan. They are going to wean her off the medication that has kept her paralyzed and decrease medication that has kept her in coma. She is not out of woods by a long shot , but this is hopefully good news. They are going to keep the course for another week or two. Thank you for your continued support!

June 6th

Sunni Hecht’s intercranial pressure (pressure in the brain) began to increase again yesterday afternoon. Due to this occurrence, she will continue to receive sedatives for awhile. Slight pupillary reactions occurred in each eye. However, these responses were not consistent. Please continue to keep Sunni in your thoughts and prayers!

June 5th, 2014

Sunni Hecht’s Morning report: The intercranial pressure (pressure on brain) went up slightly last night, but is doing better this morning. Due to this lack of stability, she will remain sedated today. One positive finding is a slight pupil reaction to light in her right eye. The pupil reaction is not consistent. However, it is promising nonetheless. Sunni’s core body temperature is not yet steady, but is common with brain stem injuries. There also appears to be more brain activity today. Thank you all for your continued support through this. I am setting up a caring bridge website, so that more people can be in the loop. We continue to be amazed by the level of kindness shown to us and are very much appreciative. If you are looking to help, please consider becoming a blood donor. I strongly encourage everyone to donate blood, so that you can save lives of others in similar positions. Sunni has received a fair amount of blood, which has helped keep her alive. For information on becoming a blood donor, please contact your local hospitals or Red Cross. Thank you again for your continued support.

June 4th, 2014

Sunni Hecht’s condition remains critical. Her body temperature and intercranial pressure fluctuates, which I normal for this injury. Yesterday’s CT scan showed significant injuries to brain, but did not show a brain herniation (which is promising). She is still non-responsive and remains in a deep coma. Thank you for your continued love and support. Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers

June 3, 2014

Sunni Hecht’s surgical procedure was completed last night around 11:30 pm. She remains in a coma and in critical condition. She has more color today, but is still unresponsive. We are waiting and praying for a change in condition. Nothing is certain at this point, but we continue to hope for the best. Thank you all for your continued love and support. We know we are very blessed to have so many people helping us during this time.

June 3, 2014

Sunni made it through an extensive surgery tonight. She’s back in ICU and we are waiting to tell her goodnight. She will have another CT scan in the morning. Thank you heavenly father, and thank you dearest of friends and family. Sunni is so blessed to have you in her life. We ‘ll talk in the morning after the scan.

Earlier in the day on June 3, 2014–

Due to Sunni Hecht’s current condition, she is undergoing an emergency brain surgery tonight. Please continue to send positive thoughts and /or prayers our way. This is an invasive procedure, but is necessary to save her life. There are significant risks with this procedure. Out of courtesy to our family, please direct questions toward me via private message or text. Again, we feel very blessed to have such amazing people who are concerned with her well being.

UPDATE from Sunni’s Sister–Courtney Hecht Stewart’s Facebook Page–June 2, 2014

Today’s update: Sunni Hecht remains in critical condition. She continues to undergo evaluation for a long term prognosis. The next few days should provide more information for the team of neurological and traumatic medical experts treating her. In the mean time, the immediate family will remain by her side to receive updates. We appreciate the love and support we have received over the past few days. Please keep us in your thoughts and /or prayers.

Community Chiropractic Center will be open Wednesday through Friday, with Dr. Bob Hecht filling in for Dad during his absence. Thank you all for your compassion during this difficult time.


According to several reports, show competitor Sunni Hecht of Lewistown, Montana was injured in a serious ATV accident and was life flighted to Idaho Falls–Mountain View Hospital. The Rocky Mountain College student has been showing horses for years.

Sunni’s sister posted this on her Facebook page, “My family is in need of some positive thoughts and/or prayers. My sister Sunni Hecht was in an ATV accident this weekend in Eastern Idaho and was airlifted to the nearest hospital yesterday. She was found unconscious and is continuing to undergo neurological evaluations. Please keep us in mind at this time. Sunni is a fighter and needs all the encouragement she can get right now. She is beginning to respond to light, but brain pressure is more than three times the normal amount. They have her sedated and are still evaluating her condition.”

We will update everyone when we receive more information.

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