The National Snaffle Bit Association Board of Directors recently approved a new scoring system for the Longe Line classes to go into effect on January 1, 2021. Working through the NSBA Judges Committee, the new system aligns the Longe Line with scoring systems already in place in other classes where each performance is judged on the basis of 0 to infinity with 70 denoting an average performance.
“The purpose of the longe line class is to demonstrate that the horse has the movement, manners, expression, attitude, and conformation to become competitive under saddle. It is important to remember that in this class, like all others, the score reflects the horse’s performance on that day,” David Dellin, NSBA Judges Committee chair advised.
“Each evaluated element will receive a score that will be added or subtracted from 70 and is subject to a penalty that will also be subtracted,” noted Bill Kaven, from NSBA Judges. “The 0 to infinity system will make interpreting the scores more understandable to exhibitors.
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