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Statement on Positive Drug Tests at 2012 APHA World Shows

APHA received seven positive drug tests from the 2012 APHA Open/Amateur World Championship Show for one or more of the following components:

  • Caffeine &/or Theophylline
  • Dextromethorphan
  • Dextrorphan
  • Diphenhydramine
  • Acetaminophen

As per Rule SC-085.L of the Official APHA Rule Book, responsible parties were notified by telephone after the testing laboratory confirmed the positives, and APHA continued to investigate the cases.

Upon follow-up investigation of the drug-testing process, APHA staff discovered sufficient evidence that the samples were inadvertently contaminated during the collection process. The same specimen collector gathered all seven of these samples and at the time was taking over-the-counter medication for cold and allergy symptoms. The APHA investigation found that the lids for the sample containers may have come into contact with the cold medicine and contaminated the samples. With the high accuracy of laboratory testing equipment, even trace levels of substances can be detected in samples.


APHA’s goal is always to provide maximum accuracy and eliminate contamination of samples. In an effort to remedy any inadvertent cross-contamination, APHA will implement more rigorous drug-testing standards and training in the future. One of these steps is to continue education by working with industry authorities on the topic of policies and procedures to ensure integrity of the sampling process. Additionally, Cindy Grier, Director of Compliance and Planning will oversee the drug testing program revisions.

“APHA will take no action against the exhibitors, trainers or owners whose horses tested positive for these substances due to contaminated tests at the 2012 APHA World Championship Show,” Executive Director Billy Smith said. “It’s important that our exhibitors have a level playing field and equally important that our testing methods are accurate and fair.”

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Last Shows of the 2024 Show Season for Mississippi Quarter Horse Association

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2024 Quarter Horse Congress Patterns Posted

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