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Qualifying Methods Clarified for 2013 AQHA Novice World Shows

Several qualifying methods exist for competitors seeking an invitation to the 2013 AQHA Novice championship shows. The qualifying period for the 2013 Novice championships is May 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013. Competitors may qualify through either national or state methods, and qualifiers may choose which Novice Championship to attend. To nationally qualify, an exhibitor must:

• Show at 20 shows in a Novice class; if a show does not offer the Novice class, contact the show manager or show secretary to add the class. Shows will be counted by show numbers; for questions about how many show numbers a show will count for, competitors should ask the presiding show manager or secretary. As Novice youth and amateur halter classes are not commonplace, Novice-eligible halter exhibitors may compete in the corresponding youth and amateur Intermediate or Open level halter class to count for their 20 shows. –or–

• Place in the top 10 in a Novice class at an AQHA Regional Championship Show. If your Regional Championship does not offer the Novice class you are interested in, contact the show manager or show secretary to add the class. Again, since Novice halter classes are not commonly offered, a top-10 finish in the corresponding Intermediate or Open halter class at a Regional Championship will count for Novice-eligible halter exhibitors.


For competitors interested in qualifying through their state or province, AQHA affiliates will submit qualifying methods, which will be posted on www.aqha.com/novicechampionships. If an affiliate does not submit a qualifying method, AQHA members residing in that state or province must qualify through another affiliate or nationally qualify.

“After the success of the inaugural Novice championships in 2012, we expect an even better experience for competitors at this year’s Novice championships,” said AQHA Executive Director of Shows Patti Carter-Pratt. “Many exhibitors might be well underway in qualifying for the 2013 Novice championships, but plenty of time remains for those who are just getting started.

“When hauling to shows this year, remember that a qualification in one class earns you the chance to enter any class at the Novice Championship for which you are eligible,” Carter-Pratt added.

Competitors are advised to learn more about Novice eligibility at www.aqha.com/novice. Stay tuned to www.aqha.com/novicechampionships for Novice Championship updates regarding class lists and this year’s schedule.

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