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Novice Championships FAQ

AQHA answers questions regarding the 2012 AQHA Novice championship shows.

Are you still not sure how everything works for the 2012 AQHA Novice championships? That’s OK! It’s an inaugural event, so lots of questions are bound to come up. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, please email AQHA Executive Director of Shows Patti Carter-Pratt at pcpratt@aqha.org or call AQHA Customer Service at (806) 376-4811.

How do I qualify?


You may qualify nationally or through your state/provincial affiliate. There are two ways to nationally qualify:

1. If you place in the top-10 at an AQHA regional championship show in a Novice class. If your regional championship does not offer a Novice class in your event, a top-10 placing in the corresponding youth or amateur class of your event will count.
2. If you show at 20 AQHA shows throughout the year. Competitors may show at shows around the nation – there is no regional preference or requirement. If you aren’t sure how many AQHA shows you have shown at, call AQHA Customer Service at (806) 376-4811.

The national qualifying period is May 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012. If your regional championship is after June 30, 2012, it will count toward qualifying for the 2013 AQHA Novice championship shows.

An exhibitor may qualify for the Novice championships through state/provincial qualifying. To find your affiliate’s qualifying method, click here. If your affiliate does not have a qualifying method listed, AQHA is currently working on a standard affiliate qualifying method for the affiliates that have not submitted their methods.


How much does it cost?

The Novice championships feature a flat entry fee of $275. For that price, you will be able to enter as many classes as you would like, plus you will also receive one stall. The flat fee covers a drug-testing fee, as well. Tack stalls may be purchased for $100, and you will also need to pay for shavings.

What can I enter?

To find a list of classes offered at the 2012 Novice championships, click here. If you qualify for the Novice championships, you may enter as many classes as you and your horse feel comfortable showing in.

I qualified nationally in one class, and state qualified in another class.


As long as you qualify for the Novice championships, whether through national or state qualifying, you are eligible to enter any class at the Novice championships on the horse you qualified with as long as you are still Novice eligible in that class. If you nationally qualified, your state/provincial affiliate will not include you in their state qualifying list (because you are already nationally qualifying) so other competitors have the opportunity to qualify as well.

Can I show in any class if I am state qualified?

Whether you state or nationally qualify, you may enter as many classes as you would like at the Novice championships, as long as it is with the horses that you qualified on, and you are currently Novice eligible in that class.

Does the entry fee cover my stall?

The flat entry fee of $275 pays for one stall. A tack stall may be purchased for $100.

I live in California, but my trainer is in North Carolina. What Novice championship am I qualified for?

There will be no restriction on which Novice championship an exhibitor may attend. As an example, if you live in the west, but would rather attend the Nutrena AQHA East Novice Championship Show, you may do so. Or, if you live in the east and would like to attend the SmartPak AQHA West Novice Championship Show, you may do so. However, you may only compete at one Novice championship per year.

I qualified for the Novice championships and also the AQHA World Show, can I do both?

Yes, if you qualify for the Novice championships and the AQHA World Championship Show, you may compete at both.

What is the end of the qualifying period?

National qualifying ends June 30, 2012. State qualifying must end by June 30, 2012, but check your affiliate’s qualifying method here to see when its qualifying period ends.

My regional championship is after the qualifying cut-off, can I still go?

If your regional championship is after June 30, 2012, you will need to qualify by another means for this year’s Novice championships. If you competed at your regional championship in 2011 (and the event was held after May 1, 2011), and you placed in the top-10 in a Novice class, you are already nationally qualified. Other qualifying methods include showing at 20 AQHA shows or fulfilling your state/provincial affiliate’s requirements, which you can find here. If you have any questions about whether you are qualified or not, contact AQHA customer service at (806) 376-4811.

Why aren’t there cattle or over fences classes?

Because this was the first year of the event, AQHA wanted to be conservative in its list of classes. The class list for 2013 might include cattle and over fences classes, so stay tuned to www.aqha.com/showing for updates on the 2013 Novice championships.

What will the schedule look like?

You can find the schedule for the 2012 Novice championships here.

When can I move my horse in?

Move-in will begin on October 3 at 8 a.m. at both locations.

Does our accomplishment go on my horse’s record?

Yes, your accomplishments at the Novice championships will go on your horse’s permanent record.

Are the clinics free?

Yes, the Ride the Pattern/Ride the Rail clinics scheduled for the Novice championship shows are free. To learn more about these clinics, view the tentative schedule here.

If I win, can I come back next year?

If you win a class at a Novice championship show, you will lose your Novice eligibility in that class for 2013, but you will be able to continue showing in Novice in that class for the remainder of 2012.

What do I get if I win?

Right now, we’re still solidifying prizes for the Novice championships. Saddles will be presented to each of the four all-around winners (Select amateur, amateur, 13 & under and 14-18 divisions), and class winners will receive a buckle.

Can my trainer show my horse at the Novice championships?

No, the Novice championships are exclusive for Novice amateur and Novice youth competitors.

What kind of Journal coverage can I look for?

The American Quarter Horse Journalwill be on-site covering the Nutrena AQHA East Novice Championship Show and the SmartPak AQHA West Novice Championship Show. Stayed tuned to www.aqha.com/showing for more information on where to find Journal coverage of the event.

Will there be a program?

Yes, there will be a program for the Nutrena East Novice Championship Show and for the SmartPak West Novice Championship Show. These programs will list all exhibitors competing at that particular show.

Will there be live feed?

No, there will not be a live webcast of the 2012 Novice championships.

My state doesn’t have a state qualifying method – can I qualify through another state?

If you are a member in good standing with another state affiliate (other than the state/province you reside in) and you have the affiliate’s approval, you may qualify through another state. If your affiliate does not have a qualifying method listed, AQHA is currently working on a standard affiliate qualifying method for the affiliates that have not submitted their methods.

Will there be a Novice championships youth team, similar to the youth world team?

No, competitors will not be grouped with their state, such as done at the Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show.

What if someone tries to nationally and state qualify? How will my affiliate know that they have already nationally qualified?

AQHA will send each state a list of the national qualifiers on or around July 20. The affiliates will make sure that national qualifiers are not double-qualifying through state qualifying, and the affiliates will have 10 days to submit a list of the state qualifiers to AQHA. AQHA will send out the invitations and the entries will be done by Keri Croft, the Nutrena East Novice Championship show manager, and Jan Bruner, the SmartPak West Novice Championship show manager.

I nationally qualified in halter 2-year-old mares, but now I’ve pointed out of Novice halter. AQHA said that if you point out during the year, you can still show in that class at the Novice championships, so can I bring another horse and show it in halter?

No, to qualify for a Novice championship with a horse, you must be Novice eligible at the time you are qualifying. Yes, you may still show the mare that you qualified in halter with as a Novice, but if you wish to qualify another horse for the Novice championships (and you no longer are Novice eligible in halter), you must qualify that other horse in a class in which you are Novice eligible.

If the horse that I qualified for the Novice championships on dies after the qualifying cut-off, can I bring a different horse?

Should a horse receiving a national invitation to the 2012 AQHA Novice championship shows die, the exhibitor owning the horse may participate with another horse if he/she has nationally qualified in showmanship, horsemanship and hunt seat equitation, and all ownership requirements are met by July 1, 2012.

Exhibitors who nationally qualify in any other class may participate with another horse if the nationally qualified horse dies before the entry deadline and all other ownership requirements are met by July 1, 2012.

If you receive my entry on time, can I also add a class at the show?

Yes, but any late adds will go first in the draw at the Novice championship shows.

Who are the show managers for the Novice championships?

Jan Bruner is managing the SmartPak AQHA West Novice Championship Show and Keri Croft is managing the Nutrena AQHA East Novice Championship Show. If you need to contact Jan, you may do so at brunergroup@gmail.com, and if you need to contact Keri, you may do so at dkcroft4@frontier.com.

Originally AQHA said that an exhibitor needed to show to 20 judges between May 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012, to nationally qualify for the Novice championships, then it changed to 20 shows. What does a show mean? And does this mean that I have to go to more shows?

By shows, AQHA means show numbers. Some shows may have multiple judges, but only count for one show number. An exhibitor may save on traveling by attending shows with multiple show numbers.

If you are not certain how many show numbers your show will count for, contact the show manager or show secretary.

If you need to clarify how many show numbers you currently have since the beginning of the qualifying period, contact AQHA Customer Service at (806) 376-4811.

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