With the end of the year approaching, please keep in mind that changes to AQHA’s rules need to be submitted prior to December 31 in order to be placed on standing-committee agendas for review at next year’s convention.
To ensure sufficient information is provided, use the word version on AQHA’s web “Forms” or the link Bit.ly/electronicaqharulechange
Please keep in mind these guidelines for submitting rule changes:
- Define the problem and develop as many possible solutions as you can by asking others for input.
- Choose one possible solution that appears to be the most appropriate and that fits the mission and goals of AQHA.
- Determine if any other rules would be affected if your proposal were to be adopted and specify the rule numbers.
- Submit proper wording for a proposed rule change by typing or neatly printing the exact wording being proposed. If you propose changes to existing language, strike through the words you propose to delete.
- Type in bold and italics the words you propose to add. Submitted rule changes detailing reasons for the change will be placed on therespective committee’s agenda and placed on AQHA’s website where AQHA members can submit comments.
2012 Convention
The 2012 AQHA Convention will be held at the March 9-12 at the South Point Hotel in Las Vegas. Of course, more detailed information will be forthcoming, but for now you need to go ahead and book your hotel room. During the AQHA Convention, Las Vegas will also be hosting a NASCAR race and a soccer coaching convention, and as a result all hotels in the city are expected to be booked.
Therefore, we are strongly encouraging you to please book your room now to insure you have accommodations at the South Point.
South Point Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas
$99 Single/Double
To receive these rates call 702-796-7111 and advise you are attending the AQHA Convention or visit https://gc.synxis.com/?Hotel=11548&shell=grp&arrive=3/06/12&group=AQH0306
Tentative Schedule
Friday, March 9
Afternoon – Industry Forum
President’s Reception
Saturday, March 10
Membership General Meeting
Committee Meetings
Awards Banquet
Sunday, March 11
Committee Meetings
Hall of Fame Inductions Banquet
Monday, March 12
Membership Business Meeting
Again, due to the anticipated influx of NASCAR fans for the weekend of AQHA’s convention, you are encouraged to book your rooms now.