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APHA Youth World Show Preparations in Response to EHV-1

The APHA Youth World Championship show runs June 24- July 2, 2011 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas.  In response to EHV-1, they have released a list of the facility’s preparations for the upcoming show. 

Preparations in Response to EHV-1

  • Consulted with local Veterinarians and the Texas Animal Health Commission.
  • Sanitized
    all barns (stalls, aisles, hoppers, wash racks) with a 1:10 ratio of
    bleach/water solution. This sanitizing process will take place before
    and after each show.
  • At the end of a show, dip all of the tools
    used for cleaning (brooms, shovels, dust pans etc.) in a 1:10 ratio of
    bleach/water solution after each shift or use.
  • Implemented a program to maintain clean barn
    o Repeated sanitizing of wash racks every 2 hours throughout the day.
    o Immediately remove any manure/bedding piles and full dumpsters from the barn.
    o Maintain aisles clear of manure.
    o Dip baths every hour for equipment used to sweep/clean aisles in the barns during a show.
  • Sprinkle buckets, used for dust control, will utilize a 1:10 ratio of bleach/water solution every hour during show hours.
  • Posted Signage in barn areas in English and in Spanish
    o Instructions for caretakers (with photos)
    o “Do not touch other people’s horses”
  • Hand sanitizers have been placed in the barn area for exhibitors/visitors to use to help maintain a health and safe environment.

In the event of a Quarantine

  • Created
    a primary and secondary quarantine area with controlled access,
    following the Texas Animal Health Commission’s recommendations, with a
    30’ buffer between stalls to be used for animals.
    o Post Restricted Access signage in both English and Spanish
  • Provide all items necessary, as recommended by the TAHC Biosecurity Guidelines, in the event a horse is quarantined.
    o Disposable medical grade gloves
    o Disposable barrier clothing
    o Disposable booties
    o Enclosed containers (i.e. lidded dumpsters) for the disposal of manure/soiled bedding
  • The
    facility has contacted a Veterinarian that will be available and on
    call in the event facility management has any questions or concerns.

Staff Training

  • All
    Barn Crew staff and Supervisors have been trained in the process
    described above. All activities are documented for accuracy.
  • The
    WRMC office staff is explaining to all interested callers and visitors,
    that Will Rogers staff is committed to doing everything we can to
    maintain a healthy and safe environment. We are in communication with
    and are following all recommendations of the Texas Animal Health
    Commission. We are also working very closely with local veterinarians
    and the management of each show.

For more information about the EHV-1 outbreak, updates and cancelled APHA shows please see the “Health Updates” on APHA.com.

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