The GOOD COWBOY MARGARITA PARTY held at Cowboy’s booth on Stallion Avenue at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio on October 16 was a HUGE success! Thanks to Maker’s Mark, Cowboy now has a drink of his own! What else but a Good Cowboy Margarita made with Maker’s Mark Straight Bourbon Whisky instead of tequila! Margarita Man set a record serving 500 margaritas in an hour and ten minutes! A good time was had by all enjoying the taste of Kentucky with food and drinks while admiring Good Cowboy Margarita, the NSBA Horse of the Year. Cowboy is the first stallion ever to receive this award and only the second horse to ever achieve it as a three year old!
Thanks to all the mare owners who have booked their mares. The $200 breeding discount will be offered through the end of Congress and if you can’t make it to Cowboy’s booth, you can get in on the savings online or over the phone. Or, get your friends together and take advantage of the Circle of Friends…any three mares…and save $500 each! In addition, Good Cowboy Margarita, LLC is offering an unprecedented THIRTY DAY LIVE FOAL GUARANTEE! And if you don’t get a foal…there is NO REBREED FEE the following year. For more info call Roger at 859-49-49-49-1 or go to