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WCHA Judges Applicant Exam Info and Schedule

The WCHA Judges Applicant Exam will be held just prior to
the AQHYA World Championship Show in Oklahoma City, OK on July 29th. The host hotel is the Biltmore in Oklahoma
City. Their phone number is
405-947-7681. There will be a seminar at
the Biltmore starting at 9:00 am on July 29th. Anyone is welcome to come, just contact the
WCHA office for details and cost.

The WCHA Applicants Exam will begin at 1:30 pm at the
Oklahoma State Fairgrounds, Arena 3 with the live judging portion of the
exam. The oral reasons portion will
immediately follow. Depending on the
number of applicants, the interviews may be conducted after the oral reasons
that afternoon or at 8:00 am at the Biltmore Hotel on July 30th. The schedule is posted on the WCHA website at

WCHA Judges Applicant Exam


Tentative Schedule




9:00 am W elcome to all WCHA
Judges and WCHA Judges Applicants


9:15 – 12:00 pm
WCHA Judges & Judges Applicant Seminar

9:15 –
10:30 am

WCHA Standard

WCHA Judging of Conformation Horses

10:30 –
10:45 am

· Break

11:30 –
12:00 pm

WCHA Reasons

Judges are dismissed/WCHA Judges Applicants

1:30 pm to Fairgrounds – Arena 3)

Fairgrounds – Arena 3

12:00 – 1:30 pm
Lunch on your own

1:30 – 3:30 pm
Live judging

3:30 – completion
Oral Reasons

July 30th


8:00 am WCHA Judges Applicants

Judges Applicants are dismissed after their interview,

on the number of applicants, the interviews may

conducted immediately following Oral Reasons testing)

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