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Quarter Horse Congress Judging Procedure Explained

Congress show officials are often asked to explain the procedure for scoring of final placings at the Congress. As a single AQHA-approved show, the Congress records and submits one set of placings for each class to AQHA and other approved associations. The Congress uses multiple judges’ cards to reach the final placings in each event.

Three-Judge Procedure
When three judges officiate a Congress class, all three judges’ cards are used to determine the final placings of the class. Each back number used on a judge’s card receives points from 10 for first place down to 1 point for tenth place. Ties are broken using the tie breaker judges designated on the show results.

Four-Judge Procedure
When four judges officiate a Congress class, each contestant’s lowest placing is dropped, and the remaining three judges’ cards are used to determine the final placings. Each back number used on a judge’s card receives points of either 10 for first (if ten places are marked) or 15 for first (if fifteen places are marked), down to 1 point for tenth (in a ten-place class) or 1 for 15th (in a 15-place class). Ties are broken using the tie breaker judges designated on the show results.


Please note: it is the policy of the Congress that go round placings of futurity classes are never released until after the finals of the class have been placed.

Scoring of Splits and Semi-Finals
When judging splits or semi-finals of large classes at the Congress, rather than place each split, judges are instructed to provide a specific quantity of back numbers that they feel should return to the finals or next semi-finals. To return to a finals or semi-finals, an exhibitor must be marked on the majority of the judges’ cards – i.e. in a three-judge class, the exhibitor must make two of the three judge’s cards, in a four-judge class, the exhibitor must make three of the four judge’s cards.

Judges’ back number lists from splits and semi-finals are considered the judges’ private working notes. As such, they are not available for review by exhibitors, and are not forwarded to AQHA with the Congress show results. Final placings for all Congress classes are posted on the OQHA web site and are posted outside the Press Room on the walls of the Celeste Center throughout the show. 

To see a complete list of the 2008 Congress Judges, click here to read more.

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